EVENTS & activities

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Campaign staff and volunteers are continuing to run phone banks, so if you are looking for a way to get or stay involved, here’s a good one! See RSVP link for specific times.
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie with special guests moms demand action!
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers and our friends with Moms Demand Action as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie mcleod-skinner
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie MCLEOD-SKINNER
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to the confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie with special guests moms demand action!
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers and our friends with Moms Demand Action as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie!
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District.
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

phone bank for jamie!
Help hold the House! All eyes are on Oregon – and our new, “toss-up” Congressional district that’s critical for keeping our majority in Congress.
Please join Indivisible Oregon volunteers as we call voters to find out what issues are important to them, and get out the good word about Jamie McLeod-Skinner, Democratic candidate for Oregon’s 5th Congressional District. Jamie is an amazing candidate, and voters need to hear about her!
If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

Fridays at 4 - Letter Writing and more!
Sign up and we’ll let you know how to join this virtual event.
Looking forward to seeing you!