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Fridays at 4 Letter Writing & more!


Fridays at 4- Letter Writing & More! is an online community of like-minded citizens who are committed to taking action to transform our democracy into one which truly protects the rights and freedoms of all. We participate in letter and postcard campaigns, make phone calls and send emails to our U.S. and State Senators and Reps about urgent issues, and sign legit petitions. Give us a try because we make it a point to be sure you are fully coached and prepared to take each of these actions.

One of our recent new members had this to say about her training: “These were the first calls I have ever made to my Senators. You got me over the hurdle of anxiety I have always had about making such calls. It was so easy! I feel empowered!” In addition, we view inspirational clips and learn from noted speakers, all of which often leads to lively discussions.

All activists, regardless of your home state or country are welcome to join. (We have been known to have U.S. expats from overseas on our events). 

Please use this registration link to sign up for each of our events—you will immediately receive a Zoom link to get into our meeting. 


If you skip the registration process and just use the Zoom link, you will not show at attending our event, and I will not be able to email you our Post-Meeting Notes. 

We hope to see you at Fridays at 4—Letter Writing and More!

April 10

what’s the plan? indivisible national call

April 12

indivisible Saturday - April