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Postcard Pickup (PDX ONLY): For The People Act Postcards to West VA

For The People Act: Postcards to West VA

Portland Postcard Pickup (while supplies last)

Help us write postcards mobilizing West Virginia activists to contact Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) to ensure that the critical voting rights bill (H.R.1/S.1 - For the People Act) will pass in the Senate. To reserve your postcards:

  1. Fill out this form

  2. Select the number of packets needed (30 per packet)

  3. Select your preferred pickup site (SW, SE, or NE Portland)

  4. Select your preferred pickup date

  5. Submit the form and someone will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your details

All you will need is a blue pen and postcard stamps!

Feel free to forward this form to others or pick up a packet or two for your friends.

Postcards need to be mailed within the week - sooner is better.
Questions? Email us at

For more info on postcard campaigns visit Blue Wave Postcards

May 4

Virtual Indivisible Tuesday at Senator Wyden & Rep. Blumenauer’s

May 7

Phone Bank with Center for Common Ground