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knock doors for jamie!

jamie mcleod-skinner canvass

Special Event to help hold the House!

Join Jamie and Elizabeth Warren at this special canvass co-hosted by Human Rights campaign! For this week only we have changed our event time and will be joining with campaign staff, Jamie and Senator Warren to get out the vote in OR-05!

Don’t worry if you’ve never done this before–we’ll cover everything you need to know. And once you get going, you'll find that talking to voters is fun and rewarding. We promise. Need a partner? We'll match you up with an experienced canvasser so you feel comfortable every step of the way.

Location in SE Portland will be shared prior to event.


If you have questions about this event, please RSVP and respond to confirmation email you receive to reach out to the host.

October 21

Fridays at 4 - Letter Writing and more!

October 22

letter packet pick up!