
No matter our zip code, we all deserve to live in a country full of hope, full of promise.  Trump and his GOP are trying to steal this away, thinking only of themselves and their donors.

We have the power to change this.  We must keep calling Congress and Get Out The Vote (GOTV).

Our Democratic Members of Congress have worked hard to keep us safe.  They need our calls to keep going.  When the September legislative recess ends, Congress will be negotiating the next COVID package and the budget.  We must call and make it clear we want the HEROS Act passed in the Senate and change to the USPS reversed.

In 2018 we worked hard to keep America safe and voted a Democratic majority in the House which passed progressive legislation and held Trump accountable.  To move America forward we must vote in a Democratic President and Senate. Join Indivisible Oregon in GOTV activities.

Please call and take action to move us towards a future that is better and bright.

1. Call the Senate.

Script for Sen. Merkley

Portland office: 503-326-3386 | D.C. office: 202-224-3753

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

Script for Sen. Wyden

Portland office: 503-326-7525 | D.C. office: 202-224-5244

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill. .

2. Call the House.

Script for Suzanne Bonamici (OR-01)

Oregon office: 503-469-6010 | DC office: 202-225-0855

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

Script for Greg Walden (OR-02)

Medford office: 541-776-4646 | DC office: 202-225-6730

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

Script for Earl Blumenauer (OR-03)

Oregon office: 503-231-2300 | DC office: 202-225-4811

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

Script for Peter DeFazio (OR-04)

Eugene office: 541-465-6732 | DC office: 202-225-6416

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

Script for Kurt Schrader (OR-05)

Salem office: 503-588-9100 | DC office: 202-225-5711

My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code].

When you get back from the summer recess please keep pushing for the Senate to pass the HEROS Act and reverse changes to the USPS – if you must insist they are in the next budget bill.

3. Get 2020 Ready.

Oregonians are joining with activists across the country to power a LANDSLIDE democratic victory in November 2020, from the White House to the Senate to the State Houses.  Here’s how you can get involved: 





Save America at The Ballot Box