Emergency Action: No Supreme Court Nominations or Hearings until after the January 2021 Inauguration


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We cannot have another Supreme Court Justice appointed by Trump and live under a 6-3 right wing majority Supreme Court.  Honor Justice Ginsburg and fight for her progressive legacy by calling our Democratic Senators NOW. Tell them "Senate Democrats must immediately hold a press conference and state that there cannot be any Supreme Court nominations or hearings until after the inauguration in January 2021. You must hold McConnell to his own standard. Do all you can to make sure there is no Supreme Court nomination or hearings until after the inauguration January 2021."

If you have a GOP Senator tell them “You must hold McConnell to his own standard. You must announce there can be no Supreme Court nomination or hearings until after the inauguration January 2021.”

1. Call the Senate.

Script for Sen. Merkley and Democractic Senators

Portland office: 503-326-3386 | D.C. office: 202-224-3753 My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. Senate Democrats must immediately hold a press conference and state that there cannot be any Supreme Court nominations or hearings until after the inauguration in January 2021. You must hold McConnell to his own standard. Do all you can to make sure there is no Supreme Court nomination or hearings until after the inauguration January 2021.

Script for Sen. Wyden and Democractic Senators

Portland office: 503-326-7525 | D.C. office: 202-224-5244 My name is [–] and I’m a constituent from [city], Oregon [zip code]. Senate Democrats must immediately hold a press conference and state that there cannot be any Supreme Court nominations or hearings until after the inauguration in January 2021. You must hold McConnell to his own standard. Do all you can to make sure there is no Supreme Court nomination or hearings until after the inauguration January 2021.

Script for GOP Senators

Congressional Switch Board (202) 224 3121

Script: You must hold McConnell to his own standard. You must announce there can be no Supreme Court nomination or hearings until after the inauguration January 2021.


FIGHT: No New Justice Til ’21. Pass HEROES Act.
